My 24

My 24

24. Nah, not the show. The 24 hours we’re given each and every day of our natural lives. The all-important 24 hours that is ours to do with as we see fit.

The magic starts, not with the gift, but with how the receiver chooses to utilize their 24 hours.

The first commandment given by God in the Garden of Eden to mankind was to be fruitful and multiply. In modern-day English this means to be productive.

We can choose to wake up and spend the day idle or wallowing in self-pity or going about our mundane tasks or we can decide to live on purpose and make our days productive.

One of the first steps toward having a productive day and staying on course to make it a lifestyle, is finding your purpose.  When you find your purpose in life and do something each day towards accomplishing it, you will begin to have a more fulfilling life. You will look forward to getting up each day and taking another step toward your purpose.

Even if your dream requires money, just began with what you have.  Any and all business start-ups require some type of funding. However, when I started, I didn’t have any funds which I could use for my dream. I began putting together a plan. Not a business plan in the context we are familiar with. I just started writing down goals and steps to achieve those goals. I also began researching on the Internet about starting online and brick and mortar retail businesses. I took notes, lots of notes. I watched tons of videos and read articles about the habits, hard work and accomplishments of successful people. I narrowed my focus down to my niche market. I began sketching designs of products I wanted to sell. I looked at various materials I could use to make those products. When I felt I was ready to move forward, I began making samples.

While I waited on funds to come to me, I kept busy working the process. Or doing the work (as Iyanla Vanzant puts it). I continued to pray for clarity and funds while I stayed focused. Every spare moment I had, I spent working toward my goal. One day my husband and I was talking and he suggested that year instead of purchasing a wonderland of Christmas toys for our grandchildren, we should buy them each one large gift and spend the rest of the money getting the business up and running. I was humbled that God answered my prayers using something that was already in my hands.

While this was a start, it was only a fraction of what I needed to be a success. I quietly thanked God for the opportunity to get my foot in the door. I also thanked Him in advance for giving me the strength to keep my foot in the door until I was able to push it all the way open.

Additional funds came in small intervals. Any surprise money, that we weren’t expecting, went toward the business. Slowly and steadily, we pushed until the door opened more and more. We’re not millionaires yet, but we are now on the other side of the door.

Don’t despair. We have chosen to hold it open for those of you who want to come in. Start working toward your purpose, goals and dreams today. We’re waiting on you.

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