Don't Quit

Don't Quit

Being an entrepreneur is a very difficult and daunting task.  It's certainly not for the faint of heart. This blog is short and sweet, but it delivers a mighty punch. Hopefully, you can think of me, when you feel like giving up and you can put that thought behind you and decide to keep going.
When you took the plunge to start your own business and set up shop, you were feeling so elated that everything was coming up roses. Soon that joy was over taken by long hours, sleepless nights, the overwhelming job of managing social media and the toll of being the chief cook and bottle washer for all things business.
On the mornings that you are still awake as the sun comes up, you drag yourself into bed thinking, I don't know how long I can keep this up. You think about how easy it would be just to stop at this point and give up on your dream.
It's okay to slow down and rest. It's okay if some things don't get done until later. Remember you are the boss. You set the pace. After you have rested and re-grouped, get right back in the race and keep it moving.
I know the motivational quotes on social media can be too much sometimes, but other times they may be just what you need to get back on track and remember why you started this journey in the first place. I must admit, I am guilty of posting a lot of them. I also keep a binder full of them on my desk in my office.  When things seem overwhelmingly difficult, I flip through the pages to find one that fits my current mood. I take a deep breath, straighten my crown and get back to work.
What's that you say? Why, of course I have one for you right here.
"Anyone can give up, its the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength."
Meditation is another great way to get back in focus and encourage yourself to stick with the task at hand.
Often times when I'm bogged down in work, I take a "walk-about." I just leave everything as it is and take off. I head to the mall, the local yogurt shop or to the candy store to get my all-time favorite, a banana Moon Pie. That instantly transports me back to my childhood, when my only worry in life was which outfit I wanted to dress my doll in. Find yourself a happy place and get there quickly. When all the "give up and quit monsters are gone, you can come out and look at your work with a new set of eyes and a changed mindset.
I promise this is my last quote in this blog (wink, wink).
"A diamond is just a chunk of coal that did well under pressure."
Stick with it. You got this!!
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